Why Is It So Difficult To Act Without Doubt & Anxiety?

Why do so many people not act because of doubt and anxiety? The main reason is your brain is running some faulty mental models. During our life we are around people with poor mental thinking, and as a result, we begin thinking the thoughts they have and acting on those thoughts as they do. This prevents us from acting the way someone with excellent thinking would act, and keeps us from maximizing our potential.

What you need to do is replace this limited thinking with right thinking, thinking that leads you to act in your own best interest. Regardless of what you might say to yourself: like I am not good enough, someone like me can never make it, or whatever other limited thoughts might go through your mind. You absolutely can create the life you dream of, it may not be fast or easy but nothing worthwhile ever is.

The first thing you must do is accept things as they are. The world isn’t fair, there is no such thing as equality, and your life will only ever be as good as your level of preparation. What skills have you developed? What knowledge have you acquired? The world rewards those who have skills and knowledge that can help others, and the more highly developed those skills are the better you will do and the easier life and business will become. Be honest with yourself regarding where you are in relation to your skills and knowledge, then develop a plan to grow yourself in whatever area you are currently deficient.

Be responsible for your life. No one has a bigger vested interest in your life and how it turns out than you do, and no one has a more direct influence on your life than you do. In the end, no one but you is responsible for where you end up.

If you don’t like where you are in life then change it: change your attitude, change your work ethic, change your self discipline, because you’re the one in charge, and only you are in charge. Don’t look outside yourself for the answer, trust that you know what you need to fix or improve to get what you want out of life. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop saying “Poor me. You don’t understand how tough it is for me right now.” Stop this immediately. 90% of people don’t care, and the other 10% are glad you’re having a tough time because it makes them feel better about themselves. You gain nothing by feeling sorry for yourself, you only seem pathetic and no one wants to be around a dull, negative crybaby. In fact, with a “poor me attitude” you push any and all potentially great things away from you. Remember: negative repels and positive attracts. And if you’re wanting to become successful, you definitely want to be in the attraction business.

You need to get okay with failure. Everyone fails on their way to success. I tried four other businesses and failed at each before I started the business I am currently engaged in. With the businesses I attempted, I discovered they weren’t right for me. I didn’t think or believe there was something wrong with me only that I hadn’t found the right thing for me yet. When I found the right business for me, it took three years before I figured out how to do my business in such a way that it would succeed, and then I was off to the races. From my fourth year on it’s been an amazing ride filled with incredible people and places I’ve been able to experience. Had I given up after any of my failures, my life and my family’s life would have been infinitely poorer. Every day I look back on my life and am thankful for the failures, and what they taught me because they were the stepping stones to the incredible life I am experiencing now.

While you’re going through life sometimes fear will cause you to pause, slow down and doubt yourself. YOU MUST FEEL THE FEAR AND TAKE ACTION ANYWAY! I know it’s easy to say it, but difficult to do but you CAN do it, you’re simply a few decisions away from creating the life you dream of. Be courageous, everyone who’s won big in life has felt fear but they all have one thing in common: they felt the fear and did it anyway. So keep moving forward knowing that all the successful people before you have felt what your feeling but persevered, and so must YOU!

2 thoughts on “Why Is It So Difficult To Act Without Doubt & Anxiety?

  1. Earaine smitb says:

    Great advice. I do go through some of what you talk about. But I listen to your face to face prospecting and I got a lot of value from that which will help me to do a better job at it. I thank you very much for all that you do to help people like me. I want to win so bad that I work on myself daily.

  2. Llewellyn Gray says:

    Great content… I love the fact that you’re giving back by investing time to bless us with access to your thought process around success in life… Priceless

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