Hang-Ups About Money

People have so many hang-ups about money and these hang-ups most assuredly lead to having a lot less money than they might otherwise have. Many people carry the self-defeating belief that it’s good to be poor and evil to be rich. Unfortunately, what we think about most comes to pass in our physical reality, so thinking money is somehow bad makes any chance of accumulating money almost impossible. If that’s how you think, you are absolutely WRONG, and you’re setting yourself up to be broke. Money can cause problems if you don’t know how to handle it correctly, but giving yourself permission to make money is a big step in actually acquiring it.

The reality is that money is neither good or bad. It is in fact NEUTRAL, the person handling money is the solution or the problem. Money tends to make us more of what we already are, so if you’re a good person with a good heart, and a person who believes in helping others, money can be an amazing positive tool. If you are a jerk, then you’ll most likely become an even bigger jerk, but it’s not the money that does it, it’s the person handling the money. It’s the person handling the money that makes money either good or bad. Money is non-emotional, it doesn’t have feelings, it has no meaning, it’s just paper.

Money is actually a blessing and a tool, like fuel in your car, or a meal at a nice restaurant, or anything else you might need to make your life better in some way. The key is learning how to manage and handle the money you earn; this involves studying how successful people manage money and modeling and mimicking their behavior.

“You can manage money without it managing you. You can have money without having it be the place we derive our self-worth. You can make money without making it what defines us. You can acquire money without it being the thing we place our faith in.” Taken from “The 7th Realization of Rich People: There’s Nothing Wrong with Being Rich” featured on this week’s podcast. Look out for the new episode tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “Hang-Ups About Money

  1. Joe says:

    I have had that hang up, limiting myself to some part time work I do other than primerica. Going for the easy money and managing my bills that way have led me to be stuck in that position. I know that I have to make a conscious effort to steer my boat in the right director knowing that my hourly pay doesn’t have to be limited to work orders. I can build my value in primerica by improving and working on myself. Thereby getting paid better in the long run.

  2. Jake says:

    Excellent post. You’re right, people always tell me the rich are this or the rich are that… truth is, if that person were rich, they’d have a different way of thinking. I’ve always said when I amass wealth to the degree of being called rich, I’ll be doing good things to help those less fortunate. It’s not the bullet, it’s not the gun, it’s not the dollar bills… but the person who pulls the trigger. When will people see this?

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